This one isn’t a joke. It’s serious. This book will rot your brain cells. (OK, not really, but it could make you choke on your coffee. More than once.) And it won an award for best anthology at the 2017 Killer Nashville writers conference, so it may be worth your time if you’re even a trace bit Pythonesque. Try a free Kindle sample, maybe. Or send it to your worst enemy. (heh, heh)
SCOURGE now available as self-pub
Alas, the SCOURGE publisher has folded. Too many books, not enough income, apparently. So now this medical thriller is self-published. Available from your local bookstore via Ingram Spark (ISBN 978-0997299328) or from Amazon at (links there for either paperback or Kindle).
Or — Click my name at the Amazon site to see a link to the humor anthology, “The Marianated Nottingham and Other Abuses of the Language.” Because it’s about time someone told the Sheriff of Nottingham’s side of the story — i.e., the truth about Robin Hood. (heh, heh)
SCOURGE publisher folding

SCOURGE Book Blog Tour
Whoa, check out the review of medical thriller SCOURGE here at San Francisco Review of Books! Such an honor.
Interviews and other reviews still coming in, and I’m posting links on Facebook & Twitter. One of the reviews got copied to Goodreads and another is on Instagram. Here’s a third and a fourth.
Plus, of course, there are reviews on Amazon. Shooting for 50, so the analytics recognize it as popular. Wanta join in? Super short works fine.
And then there are the interviews, like this one, and this two, and this three, and one with an excerpt, and yup, another, and again, and wow!
Fun, fun. And such a feeling to know my tale has reached some people. (Buy links here, or click on cover photo below.
Hi, all. Got a review of SCOURGE that’s not from friends, relatives, or anyone else I know. You might find it interesting.
SCOURGE is live!
Release Day! Medical thriller SCOURGE is live. (ebook now, paperback soon)
Thanks for checking it out. Hope you enjoy it!
(And feel free to post a review somewhere if you like.)
SCOURGE Blog Tour Coming!
Hi again. Fiery Seas Publishing is organizing a blog tour following the release of medical thriller SCOURGE on August 14, 2018. If you have (or know anyone who has) a blog and might be interested in participating, please sign up on the form in the link.
Should be fun!
Traveling West
Just for fun, Fiery Seas Publishing posted a blog about my vacation last summer, an over 7000-mile drive with lots of national parks. Had a great time, and took way more pictures than you’d ever want to see, but a handful are included here. Enjoy!
Author Interview
Greetings! Fiery Seas Publishing posted an interview with me today (6 March 2018). If interested, here ’tis:
Cultural Descent
Hi all. Wrote a humorous mini-memoir of my time working with the Fairfax (VA) Ballet. It got accepted into an anthology of short stories, short non-fiction, and poetry, and is billed as “editor’s choice” in the “truth” category. Fun!
It’s the winter edition of the Ocotillo Review. Feel free to order a copy if you like.